
Faculty level scientists, engineers, physicians, surgeons, allied health professionals, undergraduate students, master and PhD students, post-doctoral trainees, and industry scientists with an interest in different areas related to the management of medical information, namely Topics of interest and Related topics of e-health and medical bioengineering (see About menu), are invited to join the International Society for Digital Health and Education (ISDHE) Society.

The potential members are asked to fill in the Application for Registration in ISDHE.

Memberships are renewed during the year’s first semester and run for a year starting from the fee payment day. The standard ISDHE Society subscription rates are 60 Euro for full individual members (non-students), 30 Euro for students and 100 Euro for institutional members. The change rate is 1 Euro = 5 RON.

Important: the Romanian citizen may pay their membership fee by means of a transfer of 3.5% of the tax due to the national budget, until May of each year. Also, SME (small and medium enterprises) may transfer up to 20% of the profit tax to ISDHE, until June of each year.

Reduced student fees seek to encourage their participation in the Society. This reduced fee is available by presenting a verifiable certificate or letter from their Head of Department confirming their student status at the moment the fee is paid.

ISDHE Society membership carries several benefits including:

  • Discounted annual ISDHE Conference registration fees (-20%), e.g. for EHB conference series (;
  • Opportunity to serve on ISDHE Committees or the Board;
  • Eligibility to elect members to the ISDHE Management Board;
  • Members of the Society have the opportunity to serve on Society committees, in staff positions and/or on the Board of Directors. While serving on the Board of Directors, they can be candidates for election to the Executive Committee as Society Officers. The ISDHE Society email list of its members is generally not available for any purpose other than official ISDHE Society operations.

Student members receive an extra discount over the conference’s student fee but are not allowed to serve on the Board.

Do you want to join us? Thanks in advance for your commitment!