
Chapter I – General provisions

Art. 1. The International Society for Digital Health and Education is a scientific organization, operates as a Romanian legal person, under private law, without profit or patrimonial purpose, independent and non-governmental.

Art. 2. The association is constituted by Romanian or foreign natural or legal persons.

Art. 3. The association has its seat in the municipality of Iași, Romania.

Art. 4. The association is constituted for an indefinite period.

Chapter II – Definition and objectives of the association

Art. 6. The purpose of ISDHE is to actively contribute to the promotion of digital health, telemedicine and education in the respective fields and in general, as interdisciplinary fields from an educational and training aspects, scientific, economic and technical-applicative.

Art.7. The objectives of ISDHE are:
a) Promotion of national and international scientific research and technological development, in the fields of telemedicine, digital health (e-health), biomedical engineering and education.
b) Optimizing collaboration between specialists in various fields of collaboration of biological and medical sciences with modern technique and technology.
c) Supporting initiatives to create and develop research centers in the fields of telemedicine, digital health and biomedical engineering.
d) Providing informational support through its members to national and/or international authorities for the implementation of laws, decisions, regulations, nomenclature or standards regarding telemedicine, digital health and medical engineering or biomedical sciences in general.
e) Ensuring the access of its members to the means of scientific information, training courses, scientific events, access to programs and research projects, exchanges of experience in the country and outside the country.
f) Establishing permanent collaboration links with specialized scientific societies and associations in Romania and abroad.
g) Conception and implementation of projects and grants in the fields of telemedicine, digital health, education and medical engineering, with profound practical and educational impact, thus increasing performance in each field.
h) Collaboration in professional development activities of specialists, its members, students, teaching staff and other specialists in the fields of telemedicine, digital health, education and medical engineering, at standards of excellence.
i) Optimizing collaborations between companies active in the biomedical field, digital health, education and educational and research institutions in the field.
j) Promotion of scientific and technological education in the national and international environment, in the fields of digital health, education, biomedical engineering and related technical-medical and economic fields.
k) Stimulating individual and collective creativity.

Art. 8. To achieve its objectives, ISDHE uses the following means:
a) Cooperation with local and central public administration authorities;
b) Cooperation with similar scientific associations, domestically and internationally;
c) The widest possible information regarding the specifics of the activity and the company’s concerns;
d) Organization of national and international scientific events – congresses, conferences, symposia, summer schools, round tables, etc.;
e) Publishing a scientific journal or newsletter of ISDHE;
f) Creation of an information and documentation center, including a website;
g) Awarding of awards and honorary titles.

Chapter III – Members of the International Society for Digital Health and Education

A. Obtaining membership
Art. 9. The members of this NGO can be natural or legal persons under private law, Romanian or foreign.
Membership of ISDHE can be acquired by any natural or legal person who registers in this association, pays the registration fee, agrees to comply with the provisions of this statute and the internal regulations of the Association.

B. Categories of members
Art. 10. The International Society for Digital Health and Education consists of founding members, honorary members, dues members, student members and corresponding members.

Art. 11. The founding members are the members who took part in the establishment of ISDHE. Founding members have deliberative voting rights.

Art. 12. Honorary members. Honorary membership is awarded to those individuals who have acted consistently and effectively to achieve the Society’s goals of research, education and professional practice. This title is awarded based on the recommendation of two honorary members. Honorary members do not have the right to vote and cannot be elected to the governing bodies.

Art. 13. Dues-paying members are people who have contributions regarding research, development, application or education in the fields of digital health, medical engineering, medical or biomedical sciences, education in general or have these fields in their field of concern. Dues-paying membership is granted after the Board of Directors validates the request to join the Society. Dues-paying members have the right to vote.

Art. 14. Student members. Students taking courses in the Society’s fields of interest can be members of the Society during their studies. The designation as a student member is granted after the validation by the Board of Directors of the request to join the Society. Student members have deliberative voting rights.

Art. 15. Corresponding members are foreign nationals working in or interested in issues of digital health, telemedicine, education or medical engineering. Corresponding members have the same rights as other members, except for participation in governing bodies.

C. Loss of Membership
Art. 16. Membership of the Association can be lost in case of death, deletion, withdrawal or exclusion.
The withdrawal of the members of the association can be done upon request, becoming effective within 30 days after the written notification of the intention to withdraw submitted to the secretariat of the board of directors of the Association.

Membership of the Association is lost by exclusion if the member:
a) causes material or image damage to the Association;
b) repeatedly does not respect this statute or the decisions of the General Assembly or of the Board of Directors;
c) by not paying the dues until the date set by the association’s management.
The exclusion of the members of the Association is ordered by the General Assembly by secret vote.

D. Rights and Obligations of Members Art. 17. ISDHE members have the following rights:
a) To elect and be elected to the governing bodies of ISDHE; Honorary members do not have the right to vote and cannot be elected to the governing bodies. Corresponding members cannot be elected to the governing bodies.
b) To participate in all scientific events organized by ISDHE.
c) To publish in the ISDHE magazine.
d) To be awarded or receive honorary titles as a result of obtaining special results within the ISDHE.
e) To benefit from reductions in the value of the participation fee at the Congresses, Conferences and Symposiums organized by the Association.

Art. 18. The obligations of ISDHE members are as follows:
a. To activate according to the provisions of the statute.
b. To carry out current activities entrusted by the society.
c. To promote the objectives of ISDHE.
d. To pay the contribution regularly. Failure to pay the dues by the date set by the Society’s management leads to the loss of membership.

Art. 19. Honorary members have the same rights, except for the right to vote and to be elected to governing bodies.

Art. 20. Honorary members and founding members are not required to pay dues.

Chapter IV – Organization and operation of the International Society for Digital Health and Education

Art.21. ISDHE is represented by the following governing bodies at national level: the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The control body is the censor/committee of censors.

Art. 22. Within ISDHE, territorial subsidiaries can be established, as entities with legal personality, or branches, as entities without legal personality. A branch may consist of at least three members. The relations between the national management bodies and those of the subsidiaries are established by regulation.

Art. 23. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body made up of all its members. The General Assembly meets at least once a year or whenever necessary. The first General Assembly consists of: Costin Hariton-Nicolae, Rotariu Cristian, Petroiu Gabriela-Gladiola, Adochiei Ioana- Raluca, and Adochiei Felix.

Art. 24. The powers of the General Assembly are the following:
a. adopts the Operating Regulations of entities within the society;
b. approves the strategy and general objectives of the society;
c. approves the changes to the statute;
d. choose the members of the Board of Directors;
e. chooses the censor/Commission of Censors, as the case may be;
f. approves the revenue and expenditure budget and the balance sheet;
g. approves the amount of the annual contribution;
h. approves the proposals for exclusion from the association;
i. approves the dissolution and liquidation of the association, as well as the determination of the destination of the remaining assets after the liquidation;

Art. 25. The General Assembly can be ordinary or extraordinary and is convened by the Board of Directors.
The ordinary General Assembly is convened annually, in the first half of the calendar year, after the end of the previous financial year.
The decisions taken by the General Assembly, within the limits of the law and the statute, are binding even for associations that did not take part in the General Assembly or voted against.

Art. 26. The Board of Directors ensures the operative management of the association between two consecutive meetings of the General Assembly.

Art. 27. The Board of Directors consists of five (5) members with voting rights elected by the General Assembly: the president of the society, three vice-presidents and a general secretary.

To begin with, the composition of the Board of Directors is: Hariton-Nicolae Costin – president of the association and general director,
Cristian Rotariu – vice-president of the association and director of research-development- innovation,
Gabriela-Gladiola Petroiu – vice president of the association and director of marketing, finance and promotion,
Ioana-Raluca Adochiei – vice president of the association and educational director,
Felix-Constantin Adochiei – general secretary.

Art. 28. The Board of Directors is elected for a four-year term, with the right to renew.

Art. 29. The Board of Directors works in the presence of at least two thirds of the number of members with voting rights and decides with a simple majority of the members present (50% plus 1). In runoff situations, the president’s vote is decisive.
The association is represented in relations with third parties, in court and before any other authorities by the President of the Board of Directors (now prof. Hariton-Nicolae Costin) and/or by other persons designated by the President of the Board of Directors.

Art. 31.
a. The President of ISDHE is elected by the General Assembly from among its members.
b. The Honorary President of ISDHE is elected by the General Assembly from among personalities with special contributions to the development of the fields of digital health, telemedicine, education and/or biomedical engineering.

Chapter V – Heritage and resources of the International Society for Digital Health and Education

Art. 34. The initial patrimony of the Association consists of the cash contribution of 100 RON, 20 RON from each associate.

Art. 35. Patrimonial resources – the income of the Association
According to the legal provisions in force, respectively art. 46-48 of OG no. 26/2000, the financial sources (income) of the Association can consist of:
a) members’ contributions;
b) interest and dividends resulting from the placement of available amounts, under legal conditions; c) dividends of commercial companies established by the society;
d) revenues from direct economic activities;
e) donations, sponsorships or links;
f) resources obtained from the state budget or local budgets;
g) other income provided by law.

The association can establish commercial companies. The dividends obtained by the association from the activities of these commercial companies, if they are not reinvested in the same commercial companies, are compulsorily used to achieve the purpose of the Association.

The association can carry out any other direct economic activities if they have an accessory character and are closely related to the main purpose of the legal entity.

Art. 36. The Association can accept donations and bonds only if they are free of any burdens and affected by the use for a purpose in accordance with the purpose of the Association.

The president or the person who can act on his behalf according to the law in force and this statute accepts donations, legacies and sponsorships on behalf of the Association.

The president can refuse liberalities that contradict the purpose.

In the case of donations with the task of being used for a certain purpose of the Association or which, due to the conditions imposed, become too onerous for the association. the association can provide the donor with a report on how the goods that are the object of the donation were used.

The financing provided by this article is carried out on the basis of contracts, partnership agreements, other legal documents, signed by the President of the Board of Directors or by the person who can act on his behalf according to the law in force and this statute.